
User-friendly Help Videos and Email Support

Author-Avatar Communication Matrix Team

3/4/2022 12:19 PM

We truly want the Communication Matrix to be a user-friendly and useful tool for you as you support your child’s communication skills. 

If you have questions about how to begin, we encourage you to visit our “Help” pages to view brief 1-2 minute videos to learn more about completing the Matrix.

You will also notice that as you complete the Matrix, each question is supported by a short video clip and/or image to enhance your understanding of the skill in question. 

If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support at for assistance Monday through Friday.

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The Communication Matrix is a service of Design to Learn at Oregon Health & Science University
© 2024 Charity Rowland, Ph.D.

Site by State33 and Smith & Connors